Pictures of North American Inuit peoples life style
Two Inuit hunters in Canada strip the meat from a pair of reindeer carcasses in March 1924.
An Inuit hunter with a rifle is camouflaged behind a white board in June 1920.
An Inuit woman carries a papoose on her back in Arctic Alaska in 1912.
A group of Inuits of America's Arctic coastline came to visit the camp of the Canadian explorer Vilhjalmur Stefanson, near Point Barrow. Stefanson is known for his books on Inuit culture.
An Inuit is frostbitten after drifting on an ice floe for 9 days while hunting walrus in 1935.
An Inuit mother and child are captured in a photograph.
An Inuit man with his catch of fish, Greenland, 1930.
A group of Inuit villagers drag home a walrus, Alaska,1930.
An Inuit woman fishes for crabs through a hole in the ice in Canada, March 1924.
An Inuit woman from Alaska dresses skins in January 1936.
An Inuit mother and papoose who visited the Stefanson Arctic Expedition Camp on March 18, 1914.
Inuits at Point Barrow, Alaska, cut up a walrus for winter meat in 1930.
An Inuit hunter in Canada stands next to the carcass of a freshly-killed walrus, March 1924.
An Inuit hunter in Canada drags the carcass of a seal behind him, March 1924.
An Inuit stands next to the carcass of a polar bear on Wrangle Island, 120 miles off the coast of Siberia, November 1923.
A scene at an Inuit blubber market in Canada is littered with dead walruses in March, 1924.
An Inuit family and their igloo in Labrador, Seattle during the during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909.
An Inuit man listens to a gramophone among hanging furs in 1922.
An Inuit girl wears clothing made from animal hides on Feb. 20, 1936.
An Inuit seamstress softens up a hide by crimping it with her teeth in 1950.
An Inuit women in Canada holds a salmon, which has been split and smoked in 1950.
Two Inuit children at Point Barrow, Alaska, hold the tusks of a large walrus, probably killed for food in 1930.
A group of Inuits from Wrangel Island, extreme north eastern Russia in the Arctic Ocean, pose for a photo on Feb. 28, 1925.
An Inuit man prepares his Kyak canoe, made from seal skin, on Nunivak Island, Alaska, in 1950.
An Inuit man kayaks to shore.
An Inuit carpenter uses a traditional bow drill which he holds with his mouth and turns with a string in 1910.
An Inuit couple is photographed during the Stefanson Arctic Expedition in 1914.
1955: An Alaskan Inuit is at work carving ivory with a bow-drill in 1955.
A portrait of an Inuit woman believed to be Esther Enutsteak, mother of Nancy Columbia, who was declared Queen of the Carnival during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909.
Inuit Nancy Columbia and her dog pose for a photo during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in Missouri, 1904.
An Inuit man, Mec-oo-sha, and his wife, Ah-ma, were helpers during Frederick Cook's expedition to the North Pole.
Three Inuit men pose at a table inside the winter quarters during Robert Stein's expedition to Ellesmere Island from 1899 to 1900.
Seals and furs hang above a hut as an Inuit family sits outside.
An Inuit family in Labrodor, Seattle, during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1909.
An Inuit man is dressed in fur in a portrait from 1901 or 1902.
Two Inuits dressed in animal skins from head to toe pose for a photo.
The Kaviagamutes dress for their traditional "wolf dance" in 1914.
An Inuit woman from Alaska shows off her extremely long hair in 1950.
Inuits perform a tribal dance in 1914.
A group of Inuit pose for a photo in 1904.
Inuit kill salmon with spears in Canada.
An Inuit woman poses for a photo in 1903.
An Inuit mother and child are dressed in fur in 1903.
An Inuit man does laundry in a tub alongside a tent in 1906.
A young Inuit girl wears traditional winter clothing in 1955.
An elderly Inuit woman wearing a fluffy fur -trimmed hood looks into the camera in 1955.
Inuit sisters from Unalakleet, Alaska, aged seven and ten, pose for a picture in 1955.
A young Inuit boy leaning on a stick looks towards the camera in 1950.
A young Point Barrow Inuit carrys a can of fuel from the water front where it was transferred from an American ship which brings merchandise to Alaska in the summer of 1950.
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