Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hulu software developer job application

Hulu software developer job application

i was looking at Java jobs in LA on and ran across Hulu's software developer position. So, I did ok on qualifications, CS degree, TDD, web services, etc. Also, ok on experience, Java, no objective-C, Python, no streaming video or Flash, but you know I could dream. So far. But then, I ran into this:

Since we're clearly into lists, here's a Top 5 for how you know you need to work at Hulu in no particular order (* they probably meant - how you need to think ! (nice, if a little Orwellian)):

You fall asleep thinking of ways to search through 100 billion sheep (sadly my last thoughts before going to sleep all involve ludicrous fantasies, involving women, mad money, absolute power, world domination...)

You recently had a nightmare that involved an unbalanced red-black binary tree (i kinda know what an unbalanced binary tree is, but a red-black one...)

You can compress better than H.264 (it's a video compression format, good for making torrents of Hollywood movies (jk, i'm into arthouse)...)

Your most recent open-source app was the 'Most Active' entry on SourceForge (SF and now there's github - sadly my projects always run into my arch enemies - beer, women, junk tv (storage wars !))

You rule at ping-pong, eating contests or Project Euler (exercise is a must, i love eating (PHO) and Euler was a mathematician)

If you're the kind of developer who obsesses over indentation (spaces or tabs), monitoring services, and jumps at the opportunity to take on new math challenges then Hulu may be the place for you. (i do like well formatted code, Euler was a mathematician....)

Dear Hulu,

Why do you have to be such dicks. Did you really have to give us this list? To utterly crush our hopes, just when we were getting ready to fire off our resume. To deny us the small satisfaction of saying, "hey i tried, i applied". A justification to spend the rest of the afternoon watching tv...contemplating your dwindling bank balance...the resultant panic of impending homelessness...causing you to call your Mom, after forgetting her birthday and ignoring countless calls...Did you REALLY have to drive us to this ???

I give up. Job postings like this make me realize, that I am just a mediocore developer. I do like writing code and am pretty good at it, but it's not my life. It's not the end all. Hire a bunch of us mediocore guys, pay your CEO a little less.


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